Health Benefits of Deep Sea Water

Deep sea water (DSW) commonly refers to a body of seawater that is pumped up from a depth of over 200 m. It is usually associated with the following characteristics: low temperature, high purity, and being rich with nutrients, namely, beneficial elements, which include magnesium, calcium, potassium, chromium, selenium, zinc, and vanadium. 

Due to this, DSW has the potential to become a good source for health. Research has proven that DSW can help overcome health problems especially related to lifestyle-associated diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and skin problems.

People usually consume drinking water that is in the form of bottled drinking water (such as mineral water), filtered tap water, or boiled tap water. Surprisingly, some drinking water that is available in the market has been reported to have low mineral content.

Promisingly, DSW can offer plenty of minerals for the production of drinking water, and other DSW by-products. DSDW is claimed as a drinking water which can promote health, since it does not contain carbohydrate, fat, protein, and other bioactive materials which potentially cause adverse health effects, instead of providing valuable minerals to health. Despite being produced for drinking water, it is also used for a variety of purposes such as for food products, cosmetics, aquaculture, and agriculture.

Many researchers and scientists have done studies about DSW, particularly about refined or balanced DSW. The minerals in it have been proven to improve many health problems.

Potential Benefits of Deep Sea Water to Health

Improvement of the Cholesterol Profiles. The most promising benefits that can be obtained from DSW intake are that it is able to improve the cholesterol profiles in the serum and liver, respectively.

Protection from Cardiovascular Problems. DSW provides protection from cardiovascular diseases by decreasing the TC, TG, atherogenic index, and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, while increasing the serum trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC).

Prevention from Atherogenesis. Atherogenesis is the formation of plaque in the inner lining of an artery, which deposits fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium, and other substances. Treatment with DSW was able to prevent the atherogenesis process.

Protection from Obesity. DSW has anti obesity properties and has been proven to reduce fat and body weight [1, 27, 29, 45]. It has been recognized as possible anti obesity therapeutics from nature [47]. The research has reported that DSW was significantly able to reduce lipids accumulation in the in vitro and in vivo models.

Treatment for Diabetes. DSW was able to improve glucose intolerance and suppress hyperglycaemia which indicated its ability to treat diabetes [26, 27, 29]. Its application had recovered the size of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans and increased the secretion of glucagon and insulin.

Reduction of Blood Pressure. DSW could improve cardiovascular hemodynamics and reduce blood pressure [2, 6, 20]. Hypertensive rats that were treated with DSW for eight weeks had lower blood pressure than the control group [20].

Treatment for Skin Problems. DSW is also capable of treating skin problems. In a study involving patients with atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome (AEDS) treated with DSW, the improvement of skin symptoms such as inflammation, lichenification, and cracking of the skin was observed [31].

Protection from Hepatic Problems. High fat diets may cause problems to hepatic systems. DSW is able to give protection for hepatic problems. In a study by Chen et al. [33], it has decreased the lipid accumulation in livers, which are associated with the increase in daily fecal lipid and bile acid outputs. The hepatic antioxidative levels were also improved by its application, which were proven by the high capacity levels of liver glutathione and trolox equivalent antioxidant.

Treatment for Fatigue. DSW can restore fatigue and improve exercise workload. Its application has promoted the endurance and reduced exhaustive period of rats in an exercise test [34]. The ratios of lactic acid elimination to lactic acid increment were improved in DSW treated rats.

Treatment for Cataract. DSW application can delay cataract development [40, 41].This effect is associated with the presence of Mg and Ca content in DSW.

The process of water treatment will commonly cause a reduction or loss of minerals. The increase in the availability of treated drinking water through processes such as reverse osmosis and chlorination should be put in high concern. Chlorine is not good for health. Furthermore, low nutrient in the drinking water can pose as a health threat to people that have nutrient deficiency. 

Through the impressive findings of DSW benefits to health, it is suggested that its utilization should be promoted widely.

Read the full study:

Potential Health Benefits of Deep Sea Water: A Review – By Samihah ZuraMohd Nani,1,2,3 F. A. A. Majid,2,3,4 A. B. Jaafar,2,5 A. Mahdzir,1,2 and M. N.Musa2

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  • Chloride.
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  • Phosphorus.
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