The Importance of Electrolytes

When most people think of electrolytes the first thing that might come to mind are popular hydrating sports drinks or even certain waters that have been enhanced with this important component of hydration.

But electrolytes are not an optional nutrient which we can supplement with – without proper electrolyte balance, life would become quite difficult as so many
bodily processes depend on electrolytes. If you do not have enough electrolytes or have an electrolyte imbalance, your cells will not be able to carry electrical impulses and thus will not be able to communicate with other cells.

So, what are they exactly, and why does our body need them?

Electrolytes, or ions, are the charged particles in body fluids that help transmit electrical impulses for proper nerve, heart, and muscle function. Their presence allows our nervous system, our heart and other important muscles, and the entire intricate communication network in our body, to function properly.

Best source for electrolytes

To maintain a healthy and balanced level of electrolytes your diet should include fruits, leafy greens and vegetables.

Foods like celery, apples, lemons, kale, Chia seeds and bananas are great ways to naturally maintain adequate levels of electrolytes.

You should also be drinking adequate amounts of water and natural fruit juice including coconut water.

Additionally eliminating processed foods with artificial ingredients, added sugar and carcinogens is highly recommended. These include sports drinks as they are loaded with sugar. Some have as much as 30 to 40 grams per serving. 

Electrolyte supplements

If your level of activity does not exceed 20 – 30 minutes and follow a healthy consumption of fruits, vegetables and hydrate with water and natural fruit drinks you should be getting the adequate amount of electrolytes making a supplement unnecessary.

If you regularly participate in extended and intense physically activities or workouts, specially if you experience extreme fatigue or cramping, an electrolyte supplement can assist in your recovery.

When choosing a supplement make sure to focus on a natural and organic source that does not include sugar or added artificial ingredients. Additionally look for an ionic mineral based supplement that offers higher assimilation.

H2.0 (Hydrate 2.0)

H2.O is the next evolution in Sports Hydration.

Our proprietary technology uses no chemicals, heat or additives and safely harnesses the oceans waters by removing most of the water and salts. Safely harnessing a concentrated array of trace mineral elements and electrolytes that are essential for proper hydration and general health.

  • Calcium.
  • Chloride.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Potassium.
  • Sodium.
  • Plus Trace Minerals