What are Trace Minerals
and why they are vital to your health.

You’ve probably heard of minerals and trace minerals, and you probably already know they are essential for your health.

But you may not be aware of just how necessary minerals are to every cell in your body. Minerals are the building blocks of life , without them, your body cannot function at its full potential. Not only do minerals and trace minerals transport life-giving oxygen to the body, they also aid in the assimilation of other nutrients. Basically, your entire body including your hair, nails, bones, blood and nerves relies on macro and trace minerals for its proper function.

Your body is an intricate system of electrical impulses and the conductors of those impulses are minerals. Every second your body relies on ionic minerals and trace minerals to conduct and generate billions of tiny electrical impulses for your body to function. Experts estimate that 90 percent of Americans suffer from mineral imbalance and deficiency.

Take for example magnesium. An estimated 80 percent of Americans are deficient in this important mineral and the health consequences of deficiency are significant. An ongoing magnesium deficiency can lead to more serious symptoms, including:

    • Coronary Spasms
    • Muscle contractions and cramps
    • Personality changes
    • Seizures
    • Numbness and tingling
    • Abnormal heart rhythms


Other symptoms of mineral deficiency, depending upon which nutrient the body lacks, include:∙

    • constipation, bloating, or abdominal pain
    • decreased immune system
    • diarrhea
    • irregular heart beat
    • loss of appetite
    • muscle cramping
    • nausea and vomiting
    • numbness or tingling in the extremities
    • poor concentration
    • weakness or tiredness

You may display one or more of these symptoms, and the severity may vary for each person. Some symptoms may be so minor that they go undiagnosed.

Minerals and Trace Minerals – the distinction between the two.

There are two categories of minerals .

The first category is macro minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium because the body needs them in large or macro amounts to function correctly. The other category of minerals is called trace minerals because the body needs small or trace amounts to perform specific biochemical functions. These are minerals like selenium, boron, vanadium and copper because many of these minerals are needed in just micrograms per day.

Most multivitamins on the market contain an ingredient profile made up of vitamins and macro minerals, but not a full spectrum of trace minerals. For this reason, taking a quality trace mineral supplement is vital.

Ionic Minerals-What they are and why we need them

An ionic mineral is an ion or an element that has a positive or negative charge. On the molecular level, that means the element has either too many or too few electrons.

This unstable ionic state allows the element to bond readily with water, making it possible for the body to absorb it.

In this state, an element has specific positive or negative electrical signatures that cause a dynamic equilibrium to take place. This allows your body to facilitate changes it needs to make in order to move nutrients to the areas that need them.

Because your body requires nearly two thirds of all the elements currently known to man in order to maintain health, keeping these minerals in balance is a complex, yet incredibly vital task.

Where Have All the Minerals Gone?

Ideally, i t is best to receive all your minerals and nutrition from high-quality unprocessed foods . You want to consume a wide variety of foods to be sure that you get the full spectrum of nutrients.

But unfortunately, in today’s world, naturally occurring, nutrient-rich soil is becoming increasingly rare. The farming industry has resorted to the constant use of fertilizers that contain only three to six minerals to make plants grow. They’re not replacing the soil with a full spectrum of minerals and trace minerals. Therefore, if it’s not in the soil, you won’t find it in the food. In today’s world getting enough isn’t simply a matter of eating mineral-rich foods.

If it’s not in the food, then where do we get these essential minerals and trace minerals?

With this in mind it is important that we take a naturally occurring, liquid trace mineral supplement that contains a full spectrum of minerals and trace elements in ionic form.

Over the years, people who lacked essential trace elements in their diets have felt a difference in their health and well-being when replenishing these vital nutrients.

Perhaps it’s time you did, too.

H2.0 (Hydrate 2.0)

H2.O is the next evolution in Sports Hydration.

Our proprietary technology uses no chemicals, heat or additives and safely harnesses the oceans waters by removing most of the water and salts. Safely harnessing a concentrated array of trace mineral elements and electrolytes that are essential for proper hydration and general health.

  • Calcium.
  • Chloride.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Potassium.
  • Sodium.
  • Plus Trace Minerals